Message notifications

Gwynneth Derere
Gwynneth Derere
  • Updated

💡 To use message notifications please make sure they are enabled for your practice and that you also have Single Sign On enabled too.

Message Notifications alert users on the Patchs menu and Patchs Toolbar when there's a new message or task in one of their inboxes.  

Notifications also show how many messages and tasks are in the inboxes which staff have notifications enabled for.

On the Patchs web page, this shows for all subscribed inboxes at the current practice only.

On the Patchs Toolbar this shows for subscribed inboxes across all practices.

Personalise notification settings

You can choose Notifications to be displayed for specific inboxes.

To personalise your Notifications, you should navigate to the Notification Settings tab from your drop-down menu.

On the Notification Settings page you will see which of your inboxes you will receive notifications for. Your initial notification settings will initially be enabled for just your personal inbox.

Set Notifications using the tick boxes.

Notification settings will apply to inboxes across all your practices that have Notifications enabled.

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