Patchs 1.98 Release (22ndOctober 2024)

Gwynneth Derere
Gwynneth Derere
  • Updated

The 1.97 and 1.98 New Features Webinar will take place on 24th October 2024 from 12:30pm - 1:15pm. You can register here.

Alternatively, the replay will be made available on this page shortly after.

Below are details of this month's:

New Features

1. Automate Sending Self-book Links Using AI Care Navigator

The AI Care Navigator now allows patients to schedule their appointments on their own.

By setting up rules, you can provide them with self-book links. This not only makes it easier for patients to select their preferred times but also lightens your staff's workload by making the process more efficient.

Check out this video demo on what patient self-booking is like:

Find out more about this feature here: Sending Self-book Link Using AI Care Navigator


2. Additional Clinical Questionnaires

We have expanded our existing questionnaire bank on Patchs with new clinical questionnaires.

If you're using the AI Care Navigator, patients will be sent the following new questionnaires by Topic AI when they mention a relevant problem:

  • Vomiting questionnaire (Topic: ‘Diarrhoea and vomiting’, ‘Vomiting’)

  • Rash questionnaire (Topic: ‘Rash’)

  • Conjunctivitis - Child and adult (1 year and over) questionnaire (Topic: ‘Conjunctivitis’)

  • Conjunctivitis - Baby (under 1 year) questionnaire (Topic: ‘Conjunctivitis’)

  • Pulse Oximetry (No topic)

Please refer to the table on this page for a full list of Topic AI mappings.

3. Enhanced Pharmacy First Landing Page

The Pharmacy First landing page now adapts to all screen sizes, improving accessibility. The estimated waiting times have also been adjusted to more accurately reflect closing times during evenings and weekends.



Bug Fixes

Video consultation cancellation via SMS 

When a video consultation is cancelled, Patchs will send an SMS notification using the same number as the original invitation. 

NHS App Browser Support Update 

iOS users accessing Patchs through the NHS App will no longer see the unsupported browser message. 

Christmas Change Freeze

From the 19th of December to the 7th of January, we will pause all code releases, feature enablements, and system modifications such as practice merges or deletions to ensure stability and uninterrupted service during the holiday season. 

Please let us know by the 11th December if you need any changes before this pause. 

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