If you review and respond to Patchs requests for more than 1 practice, as part of an eHub or PCN, and the All Practice Inbox view' has been enabled at any of your practices, you will be able to manage requests using combined practice inboxes.
All Practice Inbox
When the All Practice Inbox view is enabled, your practice list will show the practices you manage requests for, PLUS the All Practices 'practice.
Choosing a named practice from the list will take you to that practice, from where you can see and manage requests for a single practice.
Choosing All Practices will take you to your combined 'All Practice' inbox where you will see
- The all practices menu header
- Your inbox, showing requests assigned to you all your practices displayed on a single page.
Inbox selector
The inbox selector allows you to also view:
- Requests assigned to you from all your practices
- Unassigned requests from across all your practices
- Requests assigned to any Group inboxes shared across your practices
Requests sort order
Requests in the 'All Practices' inboxes are sorted by urgency
- Emergency requests *
- Urgent requests*
- Routine requests*
- Admin/Medication request
For requests with the same urgency, the older requests will show above newer ones.