Booking an appointment with your GP Practice

Gwynneth Derere
Gwynneth Derere
  • Updated

To use Patchs to book appointments with your GP practice, you will need to enter an Online services  Linkage key.  

Booking an Appointment

You can use Patchs to book an appointment with your GP practice via either Make a Request on the top menu, or via the Make a new request button on your requests and messages page:


You will be taken to the How can we help you page.

Here, click on the Book Appointment button at the bottom.


You will be taken to the Book Appointment page, where you will see your practice's available slots.

You should use the Book button to select and book your appointment.


Make sure that you provide a Booking reason as part of your confirmation. 


Once you click the blue Book button, you will be shown a confirmation of your booked appointment. You will also receive an email confirmation.



Viewing and cancelling an Appointment

You can view your appointments from the Appointments tab on the My Requests and Messages page.


Clicking on an appointment from the list will show the Appointment Details page.

If you want to cancel your appointment, you should click on the Cancel button.


A box will pop up, asking you to confirm the cancellation: Click the blue Cancel Appointment button on the left to proceed.


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