EMIS Settings for Partner Integration

Dr Ben Brown
Dr Ben Brown
  • Updated

Patchs Appointment Reminders and Appointment Self-Booking use EMIS Partner integration. This requires that some additional settings be added to your practice.

Settings in EMIS

1. Add a new user to EMIS

In EMIS, add a new user. Use the username ‘patchs’ along with a random password. Please remember to note down the username & password, as they will be needed later.

When choosing an RBAC role, select 'Clinical Practitioner Access Role' and make sure 'Default' is ticked.

2. Partner API settings

Go to EMAS Manager -> Partner API.
Find Patchs in the list and click Edit Users.

In the box that pops up, find the ‘patchs’ user you created earlier. Give it the same password and click ‘OK’:

Now, click ‘Login Access’, find the ‘patchs’ user and tick both ‘Auto Login’ and ‘Allow Login’:


Click the 'cross' to deactivate the integration. Then click the green 'tick' to reactivate it.


Settings in Patchs

On the feature settings page you should add Emis settings for your practice:

1. EMIS Organisation ID

You should enter your EMIS organisation ID (EMIS CDB Number from your practice's EMIS organisation details), and then select Update EMIS Organisation ID.  

2. EMIS API User

Now, enter the username and password of an EMIS user (either an existing EMIS user, or a 'Partner API user' that you have set up on EMIS).

Then select Update EMIS API user details.  

EMIS Partner Integration trouble shooting

If you are experiencing issues with EMIS appointment reminders/ EMIS Appointment self-booking please try the following:

Deactivate and reactivate Patchs from the partner API list

EMIS Ball > System Tools > EMAS Manager > Partner API tab (bottom left of screen) > Select Patchs from the partner API list down the left hand side (it will have a green tick next to it on the left hand side)

> Select "Deactivate Application" at the top left


> Select "Activate Application" at the top left.

This will reset Patchs and re-activate the API calls as some had become deactivated.

General housekeeping

For general housekeeping I would also advise for the practice to ensure all users are still correctly enabled by requesting the practice manager / assistant manager do the following:

EMIS Ball > System Tools > EMAS Manager > Partner API tab (bottom left of screen) > Select Patchs from the partner API list down the left hand side (it will have a green tick next to it on the left hand side)

> Select "Login Access" along the top > Scroll down to the user and tick the boxes "Allow Login" and "Auto Login"

> Click OK

> The user then needs to log out of EMIS and log back in for these change to take effect



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