Patchs 1.61 Release 30th May 2022

Gwynneth Derere
Gwynneth Derere
  • Updated


The Patchs 1.61 release includes the following new features and bug fixes

Reviewing and responding to requests

PS-2201 Appropriateness question

The wording of the third Triage decision question has been updated to:

'Ideally, who do you think should have dealt with this message?'

and the  'OOH service (including NHS 111) ' response has been added as a new choice.



PS-2191 Reply to patient

The 'reply to patient ' form is now always visible below the request chatbot on the request details page.



PS-2221 Email wording for 'no reply required; messages

The email wording for 'no reply required messages' has been updated and now asks the patient to read the message ASAP.


Managing staff

PS-2228 Giving staff with an additional role

Staff users with only the Patchs Admin role can now be given a practice role from the 'Manage Staff' page.


And those with just  a practice role can  be given the Patchs Admin role from the same place. 





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