Patchs 1.42 'Main topic’ triage decision and Report updates (8th September 2021)

Gwynneth Derere
Gwynneth Derere
  • Updated

Request Details

PS-1304 Triage decisions are only mandatory if the request is assigned to a user.

Triage decisions are now only mandatory where the request will be completed by the request details blue button i.e. will not be mandatory where you have been assigned a task.

PS-1699 Main topic for a request - suggested by Mental Health AI* 

An optional field has been added to the Triage decision panel that you can use to indicate the main topic of an incoming request.


The Mental Health AI* now suggests one or more main topics for a request as part of the triage decision.  If you disagree with the suggestion, you should untick the selection.


* Available to Early Adopters of Patchs AI 

PS-1703 Failed delivery receipts 

When an email fails to deliver a message from Patchs, you will see a 'reply not required' message advising that the email failed to deliver.



PATCHS 1.42 incudes a number of updates to the dashboard and reporting functionality

PS-1703 Average feedback and count

The average feedback and count data is now shown on the reporting dashboard.


The patient feedback report and graph has also been updated to show the count of patient feedbacks as well as the average.


PS-1606 Report downloads

When you download data from a Patchs report, the filters and selected columns are maintained.

PS-1609 Request reports

The requests by hour and requests by day reports, now include average values.


PS-1630 Final triage outcomes in request reports.

The request report now includes the request urgency and final triage decision so that you can better understand both the urgency and triage actions for all completed requests.


Patient requests

PS-1722 Blue request type buttons

Buttons for a patient to select a request type when creating a new request now span the whole page.


And have a reduced text size to look better on mobile.



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