Patchs 1.28 includes the following changes:
Reviewing and responding to requests
PS-1064 Patient questionnaires
Questionnaires are now available in the 'Pick message from list' selector when replying to patients. You can read more about this functionality here, and what questionnaires are currently available here. If there are other questionnaires you'd like to see included, please tell us what they are using the 'Give feedback' button in the top menu when logged into Patchs.
PS-1053 Request on/off switches
Practice staff can now quickly stop new requests being submitted by patients to control online demand. You can read why you may want to do this in this article.
PS-1030 Request status in personal inbox
The request status displayed in personal inboxes now distinguishes between REQUESTS in my inbox that are assigned to me and requests in my inbox with TASKS assigned
PS-1208 Refining non-digital request functionality
Practice staff can now choose to override any request limits when making a request for a non-digital patient
Patient Details
PS-1216 Display of patient’s middle name
A patient's middle name is now visible in the following places
- On request inboxes
- On the request details page
- On the patient details page
Patient Registration
PS-1255 Updates to patient registration page
A Date of Birth label has been added to the patient registration page and the non-matching email warning is now more informative.
Video consultations
PS-1238 Display historic VCs on VC calendar
A Patchs staff user who is looking at the Video Consultations calendar can now see video consultations on past, present or future dates
PS-1193 - Ability to schedule VC by clicking on empty calendar cell
A Patchs staff user can now click on an empty slot in the VC calendar to schedule a Video Consultation