Patchs 1.91 Release (7th March 2024)

Gwynneth Derere
Gwynneth Derere
  • Updated

New Features Webinar - 11th April 2024

The April monthly webinar takes place on Thursday 11th April  from 13.00 to 13.45 and you can register for the event here.  

If you are unable to join this webinar you can watch back previous webinars from here.

New Features in Patchs 1.91

Choose the right inbox for replies

Post appointment messages

Enabling Guest accounts

Patient updates

Request updates

Bulk message updates

Choose the right inbox for replies (general availability)

You can now select which inbox patient replies are sent to. This can really help if you need the request to be directed to another team or member of staff, or if you're going to be away.

When sending bulk messages and individual outgoing messages you can also select the ‘Completed’ inbox to send responses straight to the clinical system. This is really handy for questionnaires where questionnaires don’t need to be reviewed, for example smoking status, ethnicity, or vaccination invites.

When sending bulk or individual messages, you can now choose which inbox patient responses will be sent to (for reply required messages):

  • When reviewing and responding to a patient request

  • When sending a reply required message from the patient’s page.

  • When sending a reply required bulk message

Post appointment messages (general availability)

We know how important it is for practices to have patients complete the Friends and Family Tests (FFT) after they've had an appointment. Now Patchs can automatically send patients the FFT after appointments. To use this feature you will need to be set up for appointment reminders.

Enabling Guest accounts

Guest accounts can now be enabled/disabled from your practice's feature settings page.

And when the feature is enabled, patients without a Patchs account will be able to contact your practice using the  'Continue without registering' button from your practice's login page.


You can read more about Guest accounts here.


Patient updates

NHS number editing has been moved to the edit details page

A patient’s NHS number is now visible (but not editable) on the patient details page and editable from the Edit details page.

Warning of potential patient merges

When the patient details page is opened, and the patient has potential patient merges then a modal is displayed, showing the number of potential merges.

Allow fuzzy matching when manually merging patients

The list of patients available to merge into, now reflects the use of different punctuation marks and fuzzy matching.

Patient re-matching

Patients will be re-matched to the clinical system every time patient details (name, dob, NHS number etc) are changed manually or automatically.

Increase maximum patient age

The maximum patient age has been increased to 120 years old (was previously 110).

Dependent PDS comparison to use carer contact details

PDS compare for dependents has been updated  to compare with contact details of the carer.

Request updates

Allow request assignment of unregistered patients.

Requests from patients with a registration status of ‘unregistered’ can now be assigned to an individual or group for review.

Tasks page refresh

Newly added tasks are now visible on the Tasks page without requiring a refresh.

Bulk message updates

Save mobile number with bulk message responses, when sent by SMS

When bulk message responses are saved to the clinical system, if the message was sent by SMS then the mobile phone number used will be saved.

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