Patchs 1.89 Release (17th January 2024)

Gwynneth Derere
Gwynneth Derere
  • Updated

Patchs version 1.89 has now been released and you can find details of the updates below.

New Features Webinar

February's monthly webinar takes place on Thursday 1st February from 13.00 to 13.45 and you can register for the event here.  If you are unable to join this webinar you can watch back previous webinars from here

New Features in Patchs 1.89

Telephone Assistant Reports

PDS Compare

Telephone Assistant Reports

Staff users at practices using Patchs Telephone Assistant will see their TA usage on the reporting dashboard and they include:

  • Calls by hour
  • Calls by day
  • Daily counts
  • Weekly counts
  • Monthly counts

The usage data can be shown by month, by week, by day, by hour and all.

PDS Compare settings

PDS Compare is an existing feature that can help you verify the Patchs registration details for patients at your practice.  It will be enabled by default and should you not want this feature at your practice, you should contact the Support team to ask for it to be disabled 

For digital patients, the PDS compare feature will highlight in a warning banner, where there is a difference between the patient's details in Patchs and those on on PDS.

Bug fixes

Adding multiple documents from the clinical system

When adding documents from the clinical system, when you choose to send  2 or more documents that have the same name, they will all be available for the patient to view.

Downloading PDFs for safari on iOS

PDF attachments sent via Patchs can now be previewed and downloaded by patients who are using safari on iOS.


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