Practice Administration - Manage Staff
PS-567 Additional practice admins can now be added from the ‘Manage Staff’ page.
Practice Admins can now invite other members of staff as practice admins
Request Inboxes
PS-1258 Highlight personal inbox statuses
Personal inbox statuses are now highlighted to show:
- Requests assigned to you
- Tasks assigned to you
PS-1475 Auto-save and warnings on request details page - text fields and warnings
Request comments and tasks that have not been submitted are now auto saved and when completing a request, staff are warned when they have any comments or tasks that have not been submitted.
Patient Messaging
PS-1475 Warnings on patient chatbot
Patients are warned that their responses may be lost when they skip a partially answered question or navigate away from the patient chatbot.
Non-Digital Patient Registration
PS-1207 Fewer required fields when adding non-digital patients
When registering a new non-digital patient, only the following fields are required:
- First name
- Last name
- Date of Birth
- NHS Number
Browser support
PS-1541 The Samsung 'Internet' browser is no longer blocked by Patchs