Patchs 1.33 All patient messaging (6th May 2021)

Gwynneth Derere
Gwynneth Derere
  • Updated

Patchs 1.33 includes the features described below:

Patient Registration

PS-1245 All patient messaging (PS-1443, PS-1268 & PS-1265)

Practices are now able to send ad-hoc messages and video consultation invitations to patients without a Patchs account at their practice.

PS-1309 Patient Ethnicity

A patient ethnicity field has been added to the registration & change details forms


PS-1321 Patient name formatting

Patient names are now capitalised on the Change details forms



PS-1444 Telephone number validation

Telephone number validation has now been applied to phone numbers on Registration & Change details forms

Staff Registration

PS-1447 Welcome email salutation for clinical staff users

The welcome email for clinical staff users no longer includes a title, it now addresses them by first name and surname only.

Inbox and Patient List Search

PS-1219 Inbox and patient search messages

Inbox and patient search messages have been updated to ensure consistency, particularly when a search returns no matches.


Patient messaging and video scheduling

PS-1092 Automatic refresh of staff-patient messaging

The request chat (staff) and patient chatbot pages now automatically refresh to show when a patient/practice has replied.

PS-1273 Patients can now access video invitations and  messages without logging in

Patients can now access messages and video directly from a link, without needing to log into Patchs.

PS-1296 Error message for invalid mobile number

An error message is shown if a practice chooses to send a message or schedule a video consultation via SMS and the mobile number is invalid.


PS-1437 SMS – fail to send message

An error message is now shown if an SMS message fails to send.


PS-1306 Translation enabled for questionnaires

Language translation has now been enabled for patient questionnaires.

PS-1421 Opening questionnaire link in a new tab (bug fix)

Questionnaire response links now open in a new tab without requiring a user login.


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