Patchs 1.27 AI Testing - Request Labelling (11th February 2021)

Gwynneth Derere
Gwynneth Derere
  • Updated

Patchs 1.27 includes the following changes:

Review and respond to requests

PS-1065 Respond to patients using a combination of free text question entry and standardised questions selector 
(Includes PS-1139,  PS-1147)

It is now possible to use standardised responses when replying to a patient request.  Find out how to include standard messages from a list here


PS-1050 Open button on completed requests

Patchs staff can now open both complete and active request details from the list of  ‘All requests and messages’ on the request details page.  The request will open in a new tab.

PS-1179 Delete previously added comments

Staff users can now delete comments they have previously added to a patient request .



Video calling from the request details page

PS-1189 Reset buttons after click 'Video call patient now -  in a new tab’

The following buttons are now active when a user has chosen to ‘Video call patient now -  in a new tab’

  • Reply to patient
  • Add comment/code
  • Add task

Patient details

PS-1043 Hyperlink to patient details and copy patient details

Patient details hyperlink, copy name and copy DoB on request details page


Patient details hyperlink and copy name on inbox


Patient details hyperlink and copy name on inbox

Patient requests

PS-1153 Minimum character warnings in chatbot

Patients are now warned when they haven’t entered the minimum number of characters when answering request ‘chatbot’ questions


PS-949 Patient request - reply/skip functionality

Optional questions are now be included in the request chatbot. - the patient has the option to skip or submit a response to for optional questions.


Page layout

PS-1213 Reduce row limit on all pages to 20

The maximum number of rows displayed per page has been reduced to 20 on:

  • patient list
  • list of patient requests
  • view patient feedback
  • patients' view of their past requests

Practice on-boarding

PS-1185 Updates to practice on boarding

Updates to the practice on boarding process include:

  • Wording of invitation email
  • Flow of practice set up pages
  • Layout of staff invitation page
  • New completion page with links to updated Zendesk articles

Staff on-boarding

PS-1186 Updates to staff on boarding

Updates to the staff  on boarding process include:

  • Wording of invitation email
  • Layout of staff registration page
  • Wording of ‘welcome’ email including links to updated Zendesk articles

AI Testing - Request Labelling

Patchs 1.27 now includes functionality to support request labelling by AI testing GPs.

PS-786 AI Testing Portal

AI Testing GPs can log into the AI Testing ‘practice’ and review anonymised requests as part of the AI Testing.

PS-1175 AI Testing Admin page

A Patchs super user can now run a report to see how many assigned requests have been completed by each AI Testing GP.

PS-1177 AI Testing

A Patchs super user can now run a report to see how many assigned requests have been completed by each AI Testing GP.

Supporting screenshots


PS-987 Staff feedback report

The staff feedback report is now available to Patchs super users




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