Patchs 1.76 Release (12th January 2023)

Dr Ben Brown
Dr Ben Brown
  • Updated

The Patchs 1.76 release includes the following feature updates and bug fixes.

Patient messaging

PS-2506 - Send as SMS as a practice default

From your practice's feature settings page, Patchs Admin users can now make 'Send as SMS' the default when sending patient messages.

When 'Send as SMS' is your practice's default, the Send as SMS option will be ticked automatically when sending a patient message.


PS- 2554 Send messages in body of SMS

From your practice's feature settings page, Patchs Admin users can now make available, 'Sending messages in the body of SMS and email' for reply not required messages.


With this feature enabled, when sending a patient message, you will be able to choose to send your message content in the body of an SMS (and/or email), meaning that the patient will be able to see the message without opening a link.



PS-2793 Inboxes filtering by patient Date of Birth or NHS number.

To make it easier to find requests in an Inbox you can now filter by:

  • Name (firstname surname)
  • Date of Birth (e.g. DDMMYYYY)
  • NHS number 


Inbox and Patient search

Search details and pagination a are now preserved when navigating inbox and patients pages.

Video calling

PS-2796 Improve video calling for staff on mobile

Video calling has been improved for staff using a mobile device:

Patient details page displays so that it can be viewed and used more easily.

From the video chat page the 'resend invitation' form displays correctly.

Carer users

'Carer only' users can now set themselves up as a Patchs patient at their practice.  


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