Request reports

Gwynneth Derere
Gwynneth Derere
  • Updated

The Patchs request reports allow you to understand and report on the Patchs request activity for your practice. The reports are available to all staff users at your practice.

Click on Reports from the upper menu to open the Patchs reports page.


Then click on Request reports to view Patchs request reports.


The request reports are updated daily. The banner in the top right hand corner shows the date and time when the data in the report was last updated.


"All" requests tab

To see the report containing key data for all Patchs requests at your practice, click on All on the far right of the report selection.



Report timeframe

Use the report timeframe options to show all requests data for the specified timeframe or use the Custom option to create a report with a specific start and end date.

Report filters

Use the report filters when you want to show requests that meet specific criteria e.g. gender, age or request type.


To download the report as a .csv file, click Download on the right hand side.

Field selector

You can choose up to 9 columns to display, simply untick any columns that you don't want to see and tick those that you do. Then click Apply.



Requests by type

The Requests by type  report shows requests at your practice broken down by the type of request.


Report timeframe

Use the report timeframe options to show requests by type data for the specified timeframe or use the Custom option to create a report with a specific start and end date.


To download the report as a .csv file, click Download on the right hand side.


Requests by hour

The Requests by hour report shows requests at your practice broken down by the hour of the day that the request was made.


Report timeframe

Use the report timeframe options to show requests by hour data for the specified timeframe or use the Custom option to create a report with a specific start and end date.


To download the report as a .csv file, click Download on the right hand side.


Requests by day

The Requests by day report shows requests at your practice broken down by the day of the week that the request was made.


Report timeframe

Use the report timeframe options to show requests by day data for the specified timeframe or use the Custom option to create a report with a specific start and end date.


To download the report as a .csv file, click Download on the right hand side.


Requests by age

The Requests by age  report shows requests at your practice broken down by the age and gender of the patient.


Report timeframe

Use the report timeframe options to show requests by age data for the specified timeframe or use the Custom option to create a report with a specific start and end date.


To download the report as a .csv file, click Download on the right hand side.


Requests by user

The Requests by user  report shows requests at your practice broken down by:

  • The number of requests assigned to each user.
  • The number of requests completed by each user.


Report timeframe

Use the report timeframe options to show requests by user data for the specified timeframe or use the Custom option to create a report with a specific start and end date.


To download the report as a .csv file, click Download on the right hand side.


"Submitted by" reports

Please refer to this article to read about how Submitted by reports work.


Weekly counts

Use the report timeframe options to show the weekly for the specified timeframe or use the Custom option to create a report with a specific start and end date.


To download the report as a .csv file, click Download on the right hand side.


Monthly counts

The monthly counts time series report shows a line graph of how many requests by type and in total  have been completed each month.


Report timeframe

Use the report timeframe options to show the monthly counts for the specified timeframe or use the Custom option to create a report with a specific start and end date.


To download the report as a .csv file, click Download on the right hand side.

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