Creating and editing your own question template

Dr Ben Brown
Dr Ben Brown
  • Updated

Question templates can be used when you want to send a patient a frequently asked question without the need to type it in every time.

They act in the same way as 'Reply required' manually typed messages.

To create a question template for use at your practice, go to the Create a message template page.

You should complete all the required fields and add one or more tags, as required. Tags will help when a staff user is searching for a messages on a particular topic.


Adding button text

For questions with a button response type you should add each possible response in turn, by 

  1. Entering the answer as Button Text
  2. Clicking Add button


Existing message templates

When you search for, and select an individual question template, you will be able to view, edit, and delete the individual question template.

Editing your own question template

To edit your individual question template you can click the "View/Edit Question" button. From here you can update the details and click the "Save changes" button to save the changes you have made.

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