Login page message

Gwynneth Derere
Gwynneth Derere
  • Updated

The Login Page Message is a tailor-made message which you can choose to have displayed to your patients at the point of logging in or registering for Patchs.

For example: 

You can use the Login Page Message in whichever way you wish. Many practices use it to tell patients about any upcoming closures (e.g. bank holidays), or to inform them about unforeseen problems (e.g. staff sickness). 

How do I change the login page message?

As a Patchs Admin user you can update the login page message on the Edit Practice page.


Simply update the message that you want your patients to see and click Submit


How do I format the login page message?

You can format your message UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 200 CHARACTERS using the formatting tools at the top of the Login Page editor.


  • Bold
    Highlight the text and click on the B
  • Numbered list
    Highlight the text and click the numbering button
  • Bulleted list
    Highlight the text and click the bulleted list button
  • Add Link
    To add a link to a piece of text you should
    • Highlight the text
    • Click the link button
    • Type in the link URL
    • Save

For example, the following text

...would display as:



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