Enabling EMIS integration

Gwynneth Derere
Gwynneth Derere
  • Updated

To set up EMIS Integration at your practice you should complete the following tasks:

  1. Enable Patchs in EMAS Manager
  2. Add EMIS Usernames

1. Enable Patchs in EMAS Manager

  • Click on the EMIS ‘ball’ in the top right of EMIS, go to ‘System Tools’ > ‘EMAS Manager’


  • On the left hand side, scroll down to the section called ‘Partner API’ and click on it

  • Scroll through the list and click on ‘Patchs’:


  • Click go to the top left of the screen and click ‘Activate Application’



Add EMIS Usernames

Log into Patchs as an Admin user and go to the Manage Staff page. Add the EMIS Username for each staff user registered at your practice.


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