How do I provide feedback about Patchs?

Dr Ben Brown
Dr Ben Brown
  • Updated

If you want to provide feedback on your experience of Patchs and your GP Practice, simply click on the Give Feedback link at the top of your Patchs homepage:


From here you can give a star rating out of 5 (5 being the highest) for:

  • Your experience of your GP practice
  • Your experience of using Patchs


Patchs will also ask you to provide feedback each time you contact your GP Practice.

Your feedback is really important to your GP Practice and to our technology team.

It enables us to identify any problems and improve the quality of our service. Positive feedback is always also welcome too - let us know what we're doing well!

Please note: the feedback page is not regularly monitored by the GP Practice. It is also accessible to our technology team. Please do not submit any personal or medical information.

Once you have given your star rating, you will be asked to answer the Friends and Family question, and to explain your star ratings.  


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