We take data privacy very seriously at Patchs.
Patchs is a product developed and maintained by Patchs Health and Advanced. It is approved by the NHS, which means it meets strict security and privacy standards - including the NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit and Cyber Essentials +.
We use your anonymised data to improve Patchs - ‘anonymised’ means that you cannot be identified from it. This includes developing 'artificial intelligence' to support your GP practice, and help them to help you get the care you need safely and quickly.
We may share anonymised data from yourself and those you care for with The University of Manchester for research purposes. We may also share it with other GPs for monitoring purposes. We do this to make sure Patchs is safe and delivering its intended benefits.
‘Anonymised’ means you cannot be identified.
At any time, you can stop sharing your anonymised data with The University of Manchester for research purposes on the ‘Data Privacy’ page. This is accessible via the top menu on your Patchs homepage, which you have access to after fully registering and logging in. If you stop sharing your anonymised data with The University of Manchester, it will not affect your ability to continue to use Patchs to access GP services.
We do not sell your data and will never share your data without your consent.
If you would like to find out more about how your data is processed, please see the Patchs End User License Agreement.